Mount Herzl, Jerusalem

Restoration and new facilities in Israel’s national cemetery includes a new museum and visitors’ center and the restoration of the entrance square and the ceremonial plaza.

The underground museum of 2500 m2 with an exhibition hall, an auditorium, a library, archives and a cafeteria is connected through an outdoor amphitheater and a walkway to the tomb of Herzl and the ceremonial plaza at the mountain’s peak.

The restoration of the ceremonial plaza preserves the character of the open and elevated plateau. The elevated peak around Herzl’s tomb remains the focal point of two functional squares. The first square will be lowered to create 2000 terraced seats with 2000 temporary seats. The second square, on the south, leading to the national dignitaries tombs and used for official ceremonies will be paved and planted to emphasize the orientation to Herzl’s tomb.

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More Projects | Culture
Mount Herzl, Jerusalem
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