Herzl Road, Netanya

The plan for Herzl Road, the spine of Netanya’s city center, and it’s surrounding is meant to serve as a catalyst to the renewal of the coastal city and its historic center.

Herzel Road embodies the highest potential to be transformed into an active commercial boulevard, terminating at the hotel district and the shoreline promenade.

Reducing motorized traffic and parking, Herzl Road. is planned as a wide shaded pedestrian boulevard, attached to it’s south bank.
The artistic commercialized signage project “From Netanya to Las Vegas and back” design for emphasizes and promotes commercial and tourist activities in Herzl Road and in Netanya.

The project is a joint venture with Guggenheim Bloch, Architects & urban planners, Jerusalem.


In progress


Netanya Municipality & Ministry of Tourism

Collaboration With

Guggenheim Block Architects & Urbanists, Jerusalem